"Harriman, New York--Overlooking the Hudson"
American Historical Christian Fiction
Welcome to American Historical Christian Fiction, where the Cross and Quill come together to create a sampler of faith, folklore, and our country's early history. Please be sure to check the links for more information about early American life and colonial history.
Each month, one of the beautiful paintings done by an artist of the Hudson River School will be featured on the American Historical Christian Fiction blog.

Since I'm celebrating Independence Day throughout the month of July, I will have as guests two great authors who write about Early America--MaryLu Tyndall and Joan Hochstetler.
For this week only: Christine Lindsay's exotic tale of romance and adventure in India: Shadowed in Silk.
So it's something for everyone, folks!
(Book giveaways are offered for all the weekly authors)and your name will also be included in a drawing for the Independence Day Gift Basket at the end of the month. The basket will include: a book, flags, hand-made doll of the period (colonial or federalist), and a Chinese silk hand fan, comes with MaryLu Tyndall's or Joan Hochstetler's books-- and will be offered to everyone who has left comments during the month--even if you've won a weekly drawing!
You also have an opportunity to download a free copy of MaryLu Tyndall's book, "Surrender the Heart" right here!

....or win a copy of her book in the Gift Basket giveaway,"Surrender the Night". And please don't forget to check her Book Trailer (top right of this blog) for a preview of her latest book to be released in August: "Surrender the Dawn". Both books are published by Barbour.

Surrender the Night
Publisher: Barbour
Author: MaryLu Tyndall
A timid American farm girl at the mercy of the enemy. . .
A wounded British sailor driven into hiding. . .
Both are about to change the course of history forever.
When British soldiers invade Baltimore amid the War of 1812, Rose McGuire, alone on her family farm, is easy prey for a brutal lieutenant. In the midst of the attack, she’s saved by British 2nd Lieutenant Alexander Reed. Will she now have to heal, as well as hide, this enemy soldier?
Alex hadn’t meant to kill his superior, nor get shot in the process. Now badly wounded, he’s at the mercy of this tomboy who obviously hates him. Can he trust her or will she turn him over to the Americans?
Rose is having trouble keeping Alex hidden from her family, the townspeople, and the man intent on courting her. Will the discovery of Alex’s presence force her to accept an abhorrent proposal?
As their love blooms, trouble looms, for the British are on the move again. This time, their target is Washington DC. Will these young lovers at heart find themselves enemies at war?

This week, it's my very great pleasure to introduce a British author (yes--you read that right!) Christine Lindsay, who has graciously offered an interview and trailer for her new book, Shadowed in Silk by Whitefire Publishing. Her own story is one of inspiration and hope.
Shadowed in Silk
Publisher: Whitefire Publishing

Author: Christine Lindsay

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Right after I was reunited with my birth-daughter---the child I had relinquished to adoption when she was 3 days old. Twenty years later we met, and seeing this beautiful grown up girl brought back all the pain of losing her in the first place. The Lord nudged me to write out my pain in fiction so that I could share how He brought emotional healing into my life. So, like a lot of authors, my loss became my muse.
How did you prepare? College courses? Workshops? Books on Craft?
All of the above. I took creative writing courses at university, attended writing conferences with ACFW being the most helpful, and bought a number of books. My short list of recommendations is: James Scott Bell's ''Plot and Structure', Dave King and Renee Brown's 'Self Editing for Fiction Writers', Noah Lukeman's 'First Five Pages.
Why did you enjoy writing this book-- What prompted you to write a story set in India?
I'm British, so I grew up on British stories set in the British Empire back when there was an empire. I devoured MM Kayes blockbuster novels like Far Pavilions and Shadow of the Moon. So I wanted to write a book that I enjoyed reading, but with a Christian viewpoint. To British people, India is like the Wild West to Americans. I hoped to interest American readers in that exotic and flamboyant era. But we all have different tastes, and thank the Lord for that.
Do you have other work besides writing; and if so, how do you manage to balance both?
It's a constant struggle, and one that affects a lot of writers. I pray a lot and ask the Lord to set my agenda for the day. I ask Him to help me know what's important for that day---marketing, editing, working on the current WIP, or going out to the day job.
How many years/stories did you write before the first one was accepted?
I've been seriously pursuing writing and publication for about 8 years now. Shadowed in Silk is my 2nd fully completed manuscript. Only a year ago I thought this novel was dead and buried, but God has an amazing way of bringing things back to life in His timing. If He wants a thing to happen, it will happen. Whatever He wants to do with my writing ministry is entirely up to Him. I can rest in whatever level of success He wants to give me---small or large. After all, it's really His business what He does with my life.
What's your next book/release date we can look forward to? (Maybe a quick sentence or two of what it's about to whet our appetites? :)
The sequel of Shadowed in Silk comes out Autumn 2012, and the title is Captured by Moonlight. This story takes up with Eshana, the young former Hindu widow who is now a follower of Christ, and Laine Harkness, the English nurse. Eshana will be captured and physically imprisoned for not living like a Hindu widow, and Laine will be imprisoned emotionally for losing not one love in her life but 2. Only God can release these 2 women from the imprisonment.
Thank you so much Pat, for having me as a guest on your blog. It's truly an honor.
Here are some comments from other well-known authors about Christine's Shadowed in Silk.
"Shadowed in Silk will keep you up long past your bedtime—each time you want to put it down, you tell yourself, just one more page, just one more page…" Ruth Axtell Morren author of Love Inspired Historicals
"Shadowed in Silk took me away to a time and place I'd never been and immersed me in an intriguing story. Political unrest, suspense, romance, well-developed characters, and a strong spiritual thread. What more could a reader ask for? I highly recommend this book."
--Lena Nelson Dooley, award-winning author
Christine will be offering a giveaway of either an ebook or hard copy of Shadowed in Silk to someone whose name is drawn when they leave a comment this week. Please don't forget to leave your e-mail.
And please check out the beautiful trailer (below)for this inspirational story of India!
To round out the month of July, I'm presenting author J.M. Hochstetler Joan's books are not only packed with adventure and romance, but are impeccably researched--she has the unique ability to place you in the thick of battle, and to show the way it truly was during the American Revolution! And in times like these, when few Americans are able to recall the price that was paid--and is still being paid--to safe-guard those valuable historical lessons and freedoms, Joan's books are gems in American story-telling. For further information:

Daughter of Liberty
Publisher: Zondervan
Author J.M. Hochstetler
Native Son
Publisher: Zondervan
Author: J.M. Hochstetler

Wind of the Spirit
Publisher: Sheaf House
Author: J.M. Hochstetler

Don't forget: leave a comment to win a weekly book--and to be included in the drawing for the Independence Day Gift Basket with MaryLu's Surrender the Night and Joan's Daughter of Liberty or Wind of the Spirit. (Native Son is all sold out, but used copies are freely available on Amazon, and you can also get it on Kindle and Nook).
Blessings on your week, everyone!

Christian Graphic Comments
"May the Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: may the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." Num.6:25-26 (KJV)